Customized Private Investigations designed specifically for groups looking for an exclusive experience.
Private events start at 7:00 pm. Check in is a 6:00 pm for you to load in and set up if needed. Additional time is available for additional cost. Each location has a maximum occupancy. Prices vary from location and the day of the week you select. Rates start at $295

Your private paranormal investigation includes:
4+ Hour Lockdown Investigation
Exclusive to your group. You will have access to the most haunted areas at the location. Load in is available up to two hours prior to you start time.
Use Of The Latest Equipment
EM meters, FLIR cameras, paranormal Music Boxes, Shadow sensors, REM Pods, Spirit boxes, Ovilus and other equipment to use for free
Video Of Sessions
We will provide you with a free unedited video footage of your group Estes Session and Isolation sessions.   
Discounts On Gear
We provide a discount coupon to you so you can save from our online store, You can save on shipping costs and we'll bring your purchase to your event. 
Brief Tour Of History & Hotspots
Includes a guided tour and learn the haunted history. We will show you the hotspots and  point out anything that may cause false positives. 