It's Simple
I've been a paranormal investigator - researcher or over 45 years. My first case was in 1978 helping a family afflicted with paranormal activity. While the paranormal field has changed over the past four decades it has always been about helping others. Our directory is a source for people needing help or looking for content.
I am an advocate to preserving historic locations. I started AZ Ghost Tours to offer paranormal fundraising events to the public. Proceeds from our events are donated to the locations we help. Our store, Ghost Hunters Outlet, offsets the cost of running these events. Purchase your gear from us and help support history. Last year we donated over $19K to the historic locations we work with.
Paranormal group members are provided discounts in our store to help offset your costs of investigating.
If you're looking for haunted locations to investigate or video creators to film their next episode we have a number of historic location here in AZ that we provide for you at a discount. These funds from your visits are donated to the locations to continue their upkeep. HELP KEEP HISTORY ALIVE!